WARHAMMER: ALBION, Playtest Army List, Draft 2
Aug 18, 2021 15:47:16 GMT
imrillion and admiral like this
Post by lordofskullpass on Aug 18, 2021 15:47:16 GMT
Hello once again fellow EEFLers!
Based upon some initial feedback from members about my Albion army list plus some of my own additions and alterations, I have released a second draft of my own take on an Albion army list! knoffles admiral hivefleetmanticore chaosreigns as the main folk involved thus far, I'd love to hear what you think!
Here's a brief summary of changes:
And if you're new to this army, welcome to the tribe! Feel free to flick through this army list, offer your thoughts on tweaks and updates, and perhaps even start a new army with it! Though if you want to join us in fighting the Dark Master and preserving the Misty Isle for centuries to come, I suggest you read the reason why we are here, and the lore of the army:
For a long time I've been avidly following the development of a certain Matt Klaas de Witte's interpretation of the island of Albion, as I think it's far better than the version GW developed in the Dark Shadows campaign of yesteryear. Additionally, for the past year-ish I have been developing my own unofficial army list for this version of Albion, so that those who are fed up of GW's cavemen and Matthias Eliasson's fantasy Highlanders can play an army of proper Iron Age Celts for a change, as the Celts were at their most powerful and advanced during the La Tene period, which could have lasted much longer had it not been for everyone's favourite Latin-speaking xenophobes and copycats bringing such new-fangled nonsense as 'discipline', 'uniform' and 'mass murder in gladiatorial arenas' to ancient Europe.
Beyond the Old World and the 'civilised' lands of Bretonnia and the Empire lies the island of Albion, the birthplace of mankind. Those who travel there believe it is nothing more than an island of mists, bogs and ancient ruins, yet are oblivious to the fact that it is home to an advanced civilisation even older than the desert kingdoms of Nehekhara, who possess secrets taught to them by the Old Ones themselves. Proud tribal Overkings lead their people in a neverending war to not just survive, but thrive, against such abominations as the monstrous Fimir, barbarous Norse and, worst of all, the savage and bloodthirsty warriors enslaved by Be'lakor, the first Daemon Prince of Chaos. At the sonorous call of Carnyx warhorns, rank upon rank of brave, honourable warriors charge across the field, with nimble cavalry and deadly chariots sweeping along the flanks and mighty constructs infused with the power of the earth ploughing into the foe. The mystical wards of the Truthsayers and the divine predictions of the Oracles fuel the strength of their sword-wielding brethren, while the myriad shock troops of the island's tribes deal the hammer blow that crushes the enemy advance once and for all. While the colonies of humanity to the south languish in decadence, poverty and greed, the first of its nations battles endlessly to keep the world safe from the foul taint of Chaos.
I look forward to seeing how this updated list fares in all your friendly games!
Based upon some initial feedback from members about my Albion army list plus some of my own additions and alterations, I have released a second draft of my own take on an Albion army list! knoffles admiral hivefleetmanticore chaosreigns as the main folk involved thus far, I'd love to hear what you think!
Here's a brief summary of changes:
- Spells in the Lore of Fate have been altered to make them less broken/less similar to spells in Lore of Heavens/more thematic
- Base sizes have now been added to make life easier for converters making their own models for some of the less accessible units and wondering what base to use
- A Battle Standard Bearer option has been included, with both Tribal Chieftains and Druids being eligible for the role
- The Ward Saves of Archbronze Armour and Shields combine with other Ward Saves to a maximum of 3+
- 'Release the Linebreakers!' has received some added clarification
- The 'Undisciplined' special rule has been renamed as 'Warrior's Bravado' and reworded to sound more positive. Leadership values of units that have it have been reduced to take account of the fact it's now a +2 bonus rather than a -2 penalty. Just a cosmetic change - it still works exactly as before just the opposite way.
- Vaia's Chariot of the Ages is no longer an Enchanted Magic Item (I originally modelled it after Settra's Chariot of the Gods, but given Vaia's chariot is just a mundane chariot, albeit a magnificently-crafted four-wheeled one, I've listed its abilities as a special rule rather than a Magic Item).
- Ogham Champions are 2 points more expensive, after I saw that with their Archbronze Armour and Shields they'd get a 3+ Ward Save even without upgrades
- Maiden Guard no longer have Devastating Charge (I found it wasn't appropriate for them - the usage of that rule for them was originally a bit of a rip-off from Mathias Eliasson's Swordmaidens, but my list's Maiden Guard have a completely different function), but Woad Warriors do as an additional means of differentiating them from ordinary Warriors
- Maiden Guard have the option to replace their shields with Archbronze ones
- Albion and Stag Chariots have a new rule allowing them to march but with a -1 penalty to the steeds' Movement when they do so. I only found out Chariots aren't allowed to march pretty recently, which is ridiculous - I know GW were trying to reflect the weight of the Chariot, but Chariots in ancient history were able to move slowly at a walk and quickly at a gallop, so they should have move and march speeds, just with a restriction on the Movement such as a -1 penalty to reflect the heavy weight of the cab. Anyway at least Albion Chariots can do it as per in Celtic history, which is good enough.
- Oracles may use the Lore of Shadow instead of the Lore of Light (Wanted another different lore in their arsenal to differentiate them from the Truthsayers, and Shadow can represent their ability to twist fate to confuse and terrify the enemy).
- Shieldbearers add 2 to a character's Wounds profile as well as armour, in the manner of Dwarf Shieldbearers, and Chieftains may take them as well as Overkings
- Carnyx of the Gods has had its rules rewritten to use the rarely-featured Hover special rule
And if you're new to this army, welcome to the tribe! Feel free to flick through this army list, offer your thoughts on tweaks and updates, and perhaps even start a new army with it! Though if you want to join us in fighting the Dark Master and preserving the Misty Isle for centuries to come, I suggest you read the reason why we are here, and the lore of the army:
For a long time I've been avidly following the development of a certain Matt Klaas de Witte's interpretation of the island of Albion, as I think it's far better than the version GW developed in the Dark Shadows campaign of yesteryear. Additionally, for the past year-ish I have been developing my own unofficial army list for this version of Albion, so that those who are fed up of GW's cavemen and Matthias Eliasson's fantasy Highlanders can play an army of proper Iron Age Celts for a change, as the Celts were at their most powerful and advanced during the La Tene period, which could have lasted much longer had it not been for everyone's favourite Latin-speaking xenophobes and copycats bringing such new-fangled nonsense as 'discipline', 'uniform' and 'mass murder in gladiatorial arenas' to ancient Europe.
Beyond the Old World and the 'civilised' lands of Bretonnia and the Empire lies the island of Albion, the birthplace of mankind. Those who travel there believe it is nothing more than an island of mists, bogs and ancient ruins, yet are oblivious to the fact that it is home to an advanced civilisation even older than the desert kingdoms of Nehekhara, who possess secrets taught to them by the Old Ones themselves. Proud tribal Overkings lead their people in a neverending war to not just survive, but thrive, against such abominations as the monstrous Fimir, barbarous Norse and, worst of all, the savage and bloodthirsty warriors enslaved by Be'lakor, the first Daemon Prince of Chaos. At the sonorous call of Carnyx warhorns, rank upon rank of brave, honourable warriors charge across the field, with nimble cavalry and deadly chariots sweeping along the flanks and mighty constructs infused with the power of the earth ploughing into the foe. The mystical wards of the Truthsayers and the divine predictions of the Oracles fuel the strength of their sword-wielding brethren, while the myriad shock troops of the island's tribes deal the hammer blow that crushes the enemy advance once and for all. While the colonies of humanity to the south languish in decadence, poverty and greed, the first of its nations battles endlessly to keep the world safe from the foul taint of Chaos.
I look forward to seeing how this updated list fares in all your friendly games!